Post by zigeuner on Feb 12, 2009 18:02:58 GMT -5
A young girl stood on the mountain, staring at the darkness with curiosity. She constantly darted her hand in the darkness again and again.
and again
and again
and again.
The she paused "HuH, tHaTs OdD...she said "I'vE nEvEr SeEn It Up ClOsE bEfOrE...."she turned around and began to walk down the mountain.Well, until she saw a person come up the mountain. "HeLlO?" she called out "MiGhT i AsK wHo YoU aRe?"
Post by Nintsu Garibsi on Feb 12, 2009 19:41:03 GMT -5
"hold on," the shouts a mans voice down the mountainside
"Hmmm, did not expect to find another person here," Ferenc thinks to himself.
"My name is Ferenc, who might I ask are you?" Ferenc says after he gets all the way down the mountain.
Post by zigeuner on Feb 12, 2009 19:49:11 GMT -5
"Me?"she said, My NaMe Is ZiGeUnEr, WoUlD Ya Be AnNoYeD iF i AsKeD yOu WhY tHe MoUnTaIn Is LiKe tHat?"she asked as she pointed the the mountain behind her.
Post by Nintsu Garibsi on Feb 12, 2009 19:59:32 GMT -5
"Not at Zeguener," Ferenc says as he smiles, "The mountain is like it is because over time all rocks grow, just like a person or a creature and eventually a rock can become a mountain. That particular mountain is dark on one side and light on the other because there is a void in the sky blocking the light from reaching the dark side."
Content with his explanation Ferenc thought of a question, "why are you here?"
Post by zigeuner on Feb 12, 2009 20:15:48 GMT -5
"WhY? I gUeSs iT wAs cAuSe I hEaRd AbOuT tHeM aNd SiNcE iT sOuNdEd PrEeTy CoOlI fElT lIkE cOmInG tO sEe ThEm...WhY aRe YoU hErE?" she asked.
Post by Nintsu Garibsi on Feb 12, 2009 20:24:53 GMT -5
"I am came here for to visit a friend and I am returning home," Ferenc smiled again, "I always take this detour home and rest at the top of the mountain submerged halfway in the light and halfway in the dark. I always feel quite rejuvenated after I do."
Post by zigeuner on Feb 14, 2009 23:45:41 GMT -5
"HuH"she said, pondering what the old man had said "YaH lIvE cLoSe By?ThAtS pReTtY cOoL."
Post by Nintsu Garibsi on Feb 15, 2009 1:59:10 GMT -5
"Yes I do live nearby, do you want to see my home? In my biased opinion it is quite beautiful."
Post by zigeuner on Feb 23, 2009 13:39:03 GMT -5
"HmMmMmM...sUrE! sOuNdS lIkE a PlAn!"JuSt ShOw Me ThE wAy!"
Post by Nintsu Garibsi on Feb 24, 2009 14:48:06 GMT -5
"Of course, This way." Ferenc walks making further small talk along the way.
Post by zigeuner on Feb 24, 2009 17:33:31 GMT -5
Zigeuner followed the old man down the hill. Constantly asking how much longer it was going to take. She wasn't a complainer or trying to annoy him, but it took longer going down than up in her perspective.
Post by Nintsu Garibsi on Feb 24, 2009 21:09:12 GMT -5