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No New Posts Aqua Castle

A castle made of ivory and mother-of-pearl. The part above the water is only a third of the castle, the rest of it is underwater, and is still used today.

3 127 Emergency planning (Benjamin/Alexander/Kyros)
by Kyros Forthe
Dec 24, 2012 21:27:06 GMT -5
No New Posts Redundo

A city that has canals for roads. This wasn't planned on purpose, the city was hit by a major storm and the roads flooded. The residents liked the idea and kept it like that. The market square is the largest open land in the city limits that you can walk on.

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No New Posts Purwater Pond - 1 Viewing

Purwater Pond is a large pond that has the cleanest, clearest water in the world. It is also a very spiritual spot for people, claiming that gods like to come to the pond and drink. If a person is submerged in it by a priest, then their sins are forgiven.

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No New Posts Muddy Waterfalls

A very large waterfall with other smaller waterfalls near it, but it is more of a muddy texture. This is because the mountain the water comes from has frequent rock-slides, and brings a large amount of dirt to the river. Somehow the dirt and water will separate after the fall, though...

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No New Posts Ocean Cathedral

A Cathedral that is in a middle of the ocean. There was a city here but the gods disapproved of this city's "unholy" lifestyle and washed all of the people and the city away, except the cathedral itself.

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Crepusculum Regnum Plot Summary
world 0 375 by world
Dec 27, 2012 1:10:03 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling History Page
Miri, EarthGuard 14 783 by Vash, the Angel's Moon
May 17, 2012 12:24:07 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling IF YOU ARE NEW HERE
glitters 5 1,077 by Yeligar Maelstrom
Jun 20, 2009 15:52:58 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Titles
Yeligar Maelstrom 10 773 by Bradley Turia Zaubereich
Sept 23, 2010 1:38:08 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Available/Taken Positions
glitters 0 1,757 by glitters
Nov 8, 2009 13:50:08 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Allorum's World map and Landmarks
Yeligar Maelstrom 2 1,536 by Kouichi - Yami No Kuro Raion
Jun 5, 2009 17:40:33 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Never face a god. (2.7 War, Mission.)
Mark Angelus Fri 9 203 by Zeke Omoihake
May 25, 2013 3:04:45 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling A weapon of hope. (Open)
Kain Angelo 57 802 by Bartholomew
May 22, 2013 19:32:55 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Random story thing. (Zaria, Ganondorf)
Zaria DeGantz 3 128 by Ganondorf Dragmire
Apr 7, 2013 11:32:21 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling War in La-Fe, island of 'paradise'.
Benjamin Kírix-Unda 12 230 by Benjamin Kírix-Unda
Feb 18, 2013 21:49:27 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Faith and Prosperity (Flashback 0.1)
Kain Angelo 34 492 by Kain Angelo
Jan 7, 2013 21:44:18 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Guide to Unda
world 0 114 by world
Dec 27, 2012 0:48:29 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Crisis in paradise. (President + Captains.)
Benjamin Kírix-Unda 15 237 by Brea Cao-Wei
Dec 1, 2012 17:21:24 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Regrouping. *Thread 5.2*
Yeligar Maelstrom 6 130 by Yeligar Maelstrom
Jul 26, 2012 11:43:24 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Revelations *Plot Thread 4.3*
Yeligar Maelstrom 13 185 by Gensayce Zidjiai
Jul 13, 2012 19:27:17 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Falcon's Stealth *Plot thread 4.1*
Ra 66 804 by Yeligar Maelstrom
Jul 9, 2012 16:39:18 GMT -5


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The Kingdom of Water. Made up of 70% water, the land consists of only small islands tied together by bridges. There are a few 'boat villages' that float about, however.
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