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No New Posts Nemus Village - 1 Viewing

A village that is high in the tree tops. The capital of Alberisato. There was an old stone city under where the current village is, but a former ruler wanted to live in the tree top, to see his entire kingdom.

2 37 A very familiar sigil. (OPEN)
by Jasmine Loque
Apr 19, 2014 1:16:21 GMT -5
No New Posts God's Garden - 1 Viewing

A large garden which houses every flower on the planet in majestical fashion. There was a house that stood there, but it was burnt now. There is a sign placed here that reads The former home of the Hiaten family. No one knows who placed the sign there but it mysteriously remains undisturbed.

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No New Posts Mother Tree

A tree that is about a mile high and the tree is the oldest thing in this world. Legend has it that an apocalyptic weapon lives inside of it, but every attempt to reach inside has been a failure. It seems to be almost godly in nature, towering over the kingdom of Alberisato; the citizens come to worship, treading carefully as the area seems to be dense in spiritual presence and fear to disturb it.

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No New Posts Grassland

The Grassland, also called the Sea of Weeds. This place has some of the most beautiful and poisonous creatures and plants here. There are small groups of trees surrounding some springs and are nicknamed 'Islands'. Small villages live on or near these islands.

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No New Posts The Witch's Forest

A forest where the the branches interlock with each other, letting little light in. It is rumored that this forest used to be a town and the lord of this town accidentally knocked over a mighty witch, showing absolutely no respect or remorse for the accident. In turn the rage-filled witch turned all of the people into trees and the forest turned into a deadly, mysterious but highly magical one. The witch is still rumored to live here.

1 2 I Can't Disappear Just Yet *OPEN*
by King Roxa Hiaten
Jun 18, 2012 14:08:52 GMT -5
No New Posts The Heaven's Last - 1 Viewing

A mansion is owned by the Mentor. It serves as the headquarter of the Allorum Guardians, giving the creed a large amount of land to operate as needed.

3 259 The Hell's First (WAR and TRUTH 2.4)
by glitters
Mar 2, 2013 12:11:30 GMT -5


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May 25, 2013 3:32:32 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling The Kin of the Forest
The Other 3 98 by Aras
Apr 25, 2013 18:30:47 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Get away from the freaks (Andy/Jas)
glitters 0 70 by glitters
Mar 29, 2013 0:26:20 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling The Warlord and the Enemy
Isis 32 403 by Yeligar Maelstrom
Jun 21, 2012 22:09:29 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Heroes, Unite Once More! *Plot thread 2.4*
Yeligar Maelstrom 30 536 by Yeligar Maelstrom
Jun 4, 2012 22:54:43 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Moonlit Rose (Thread 2.2)
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May 27, 2012 23:02:14 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Falcon Strike. (Thread 2.1)
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May 21, 2012 21:19:31 GMT -5


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The forest kingdom. Nemus Village is the capital, which is in the canopy. The citizens live together with nature and try to make little impact on this green kingdom. Home to the most gorgeous plants, flowers and gardens in the world--it is even rumoured to be inhabited in some areas by faeries.
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