Post by Vash, the Angel's Moon on Jun 28, 2012 8:48:14 GMT -5
So Miri went on a scanning-all-the-pictures-she-never-did spree this morning,a nd only managed to get about three of those pictures scanned. After work today and before she runs her Game, she'll be uploading the rest. meanwhile, I present to you.... Donut KnightsYes, folks. I just went there. On a slightly more serious note, we also have a drawing of Kerrian, Lunar Spirit of Void; this one's actually colored! He's smirking wickedly. I haven't decided where the scar came from, but it kind of completes his look, don't you think? And, finally, on a much less CR-related note... here! Have some Joshua! Because we all know he's the best. And because I'm psyched for KH3D. I'm very proud of that, by the way. One of the best things I've ever drawn. And I did it on the bus. Home from school. Like... months ago. Before the massive power outage. It's just getting scanned now. Alright, guys, that's it from now - but be waiting for MASSIVE SKETCHDUMP, PART 2!!!