Post by Kouji - Hikari no Shiro Okami on Jul 22, 2010 11:46:25 GMT -5
Hullo, people~! I was just wondering... what are your favorite CR pairings? They can be canon, not-quite-canon, crack (although I'm probably going to do another thread for crakc pairings). I want to write several oneshots and do art for both canon and non-canon pairings. For fun.
So! Without further ado, here's mine:
AndyxJas - NUMBER ONE OMG KAWAII SHIPSHIPSHIP GenKara - ........*SQUEE* SHIPSHIPSHIP KouichixLana - Because you know they're awesome together. You KNOW it. *huggles KouLana* FaeyxVaan - No explnationr equired.
Non-canon/Crack: LamuriaxAny Man - Yeah. I just went there. GrimxJas - I mean, come on. His infatuation with her is just HILARIOUS.
Well, that's all I can think of for now. Seeya! Tell me whatcha think~
Post by Aeyara Rossignol on Jul 22, 2010 15:14:34 GMT -5
It would be funny if Aey ended up on that list but we all know that's probably not happening... XDD
Post by Kara Samsra on Jul 22, 2010 16:05:12 GMT -5
O.O We're already being blogged about? Wowsa word travels fast xD
Post by Gensayce Zidjiai on Jul 22, 2010 16:08:47 GMT -5
Told you there'd be scandal x)
Post by Yeligar Maelstrom on Jul 22, 2010 16:13:22 GMT -5
That is what happens when you get instant messaging pigeons. Speaking of which, I have to tell my sister to pick up eggs *Shove pigeons into Blunderbuss, and shoots it out*
Post by Gensayce Zidjiai on Jul 22, 2010 16:19:19 GMT -5
But I personally prefer using the good old rock through a window with a message attached method...
Post by Aeyara Rossignol on Jul 22, 2010 20:12:50 GMT -5
I used to love that system too, until that stupid court order...>.>~grumblegrumble~ stupid judge hated me 'cuz I'm not legally insane...
There's no court order yet >=D
Post by Gensayce Zidjiai on Jul 22, 2010 20:16:17 GMT -5
> You should try using wrapping a stone in newspaper and then throwing it, you can say that the stone was hidden in the newspaper and you didn't know ^_^
Post by glitters on Jul 22, 2010 20:36:44 GMT -5
I do have to say I imagine Gensayce x Kara in my mind and bwahhh they are very cute together.
I don't think I really have a favourite pairing XD;; I quite enjoy them all the same~~
Post by Kaku Rokkakyu on Jul 22, 2010 21:34:51 GMT -5
My favorite crack pairing on CR would be VincentXBang HAHAHA Oh yeah... I went there. Jess and C.J. are probably going to facepalm at me for this, but yeah XD I'm sorry. It's pretty funny. I do like AndyxJasmine though. ;D Oh heck.. theres a TON of Crack pairings I could list for various reasons, but for the sake of not wanting people to kill me, I shall refrain from listing some of these Or maybe I should wait until you make the crack pairing thread. >_> <_< Then I can go nuts with this. Most of them are just me ruining Kaku's reputation by pairing him with someone highly unlikely |D heehee.... Its also fun pairing Caramel up with people, just because she's cute but eviilll. Off topic here, but My favorite official pairing isn't on CR. It's Kaku and Sno (Kaku is on CR obviously...but Sno is not because she's my friend's character.) They STARTED as a crack pairing because my friend Sari and I thought it was HILARIOUS, but it became a REAL pairing not too long ago. XD; Its a long story.. Nonetheless though- they are a crack pairing become cannon, and they are my favorite pairing as it currently stands
Post by Aeyara Rossignol on Jul 23, 2010 18:43:09 GMT -5
Hm... While we're on pairings... Who is Aey gonna mess with next. Any suggestions for guys for her to deceive, steal, and eventually dump? Teehee!
Post by Tempest on Jul 23, 2010 22:55:27 GMT -5
Ummm... hopefully not me! I think my character might just be a hermit for the rest of his life, or untill this site eventually go under because of a neuclear apocolypse... whichIwilleventuallystartbecauseIwillsneakintothesefensebuildingandshootalloftheatombombsateverycountrywhichinreturntheywilldoacounterstrikeandtheworldwillallbeohhellIhavenoideawhatI'mtalkingaboutanymorebecauseIgotboredfromdoingthisabout47lettersago. ... ... ... ... Try to figure that one out! (although most of you might do that automaticly with their brains. >.< )
Post by Kouji - Hikari no Shiro Okami on Jul 23, 2010 23:41:46 GMT -5
LOL, I can read it.
Okies, I shall make the crackpariing thread! Also note that I am not afraid to do crack!art.
Post by Kouji - Hikari no Shiro Okami on Jul 23, 2010 23:46:44 GMT -5