Post by Zeke Omoihake on Feb 23, 2010 19:21:30 GMT -5
As the moon hung high over the glistening sands of Bright Beach, the land was filled with all of the sounds of nature. The ocean lapped softly against the shoreline, playing a never-ending game of leapfrog as wave after wave rolled over the one before it. In the distance the sounds of birds cooed and the mammals of the ocean broke free of the water to sing their brief songs.
Among the sounds and sights that night, Zeke watched over it silently, save for the sound of his brushstrokes on a white canvas. He had created a simple lantern to give him the light he needed as his created arms moved across the slowly forming landscape he painted.
It's been so long since I just painted. Despite the great things I create with my power, none of it means as much as something that lasts as long as I want. He smiled as he enjoyed the calm and serene moment, something that had been only a distant memory till now.
Post by alexanderthegreat on Feb 24, 2010 2:13:50 GMT -5
Despite all of the hell, damage and drama that had already occurred in the Santo-Luce palace with his traitor captain and following army, Alexander still dared to roam the beach of his kingdom alone in the evening like he always had.
So much. So much had been on his mind recently and it was hard to keep himself together when it felt like absolutely everything was trying to pull him apart.
'Oh god, please give me some sanity back. I wish I could be some stupid kid whose only worry was what to wear to that stupid party and who to ask out to said party...'
His thoughts were stopped short upon seeing the figure of another being on the beach, another young man. Alexander stopped in his tracks, staring at the fellow for awhile and noted that he appeared to be some kind of artist, he seemed to be painting something.
Alexander took a few steps forward, trying to keep himself focused on his own thoughts and enjoyment out on the beach but found himself to keep glancing over to the man's canvas. He couldn't see what was all on it too well with only the lantern nearby being the only light source, aside from the man's body in the way of the painting as well...
In the course of three minutes Alexander slowly found himself slinking closer and closer to the man to try to get a look at what he was doing, curiousity leading his actions. He tried to keep from getting too close, leaning over his shoulder or something in case he startled him--that might make him angry if he ended up wrecking the painting.
"....Painting the ocean?" finally spoke the quiet and questioning voice of Alexander's, not entirely sure what he was supposed to say.
Post by Zeke Omoihake on Feb 24, 2010 2:25:19 GMT -5
Zeke jumped a little, his attention so focused on his art that the inquiring voice behind him caused him to drop his brush and whirl around to face the stranger. "Oh, ah... Hi there." Zeke smiled, facing Alex for only a second before seeing the brush was no longer in his hand. Dropping to the ground he scuttled on his hands and knees till he stood up triumphantly holding it once more in his hand.
"Heh, sorry about that. I'm Zeke, and yeah I guess you could say I'm painting the ocean. I'm actually not from around here, and when I saw the sand and the ocean, well I just knew I had to try and capture the moment." Zeke grinned shyly as he talked to the golden haired man. "What's your name?" Zeke looked only for a moment at his large calligraphy brush lying still by his canvas. Thinking it best to keep his power a secret to the stranger, he let it lie still and held his arms behind him, hoping the night would mask the unusual appearance of them.
Post by alexanderthegreat on Feb 24, 2010 2:37:11 GMT -5
Well, so much for trying to not startle him...
"Yeah, it's a really beautiful scene out here, isn't it? You're not from around here you said, but yet you've picked a really good time to come out to check out the beach in my opinion. Everyone likes it during the day when the sun is out and you swear everything glitters like gold and jewels in the light," Alexander turned his gaze out to the sea, a smile sneaking onto his face, "but personally, I like it better at night. It's cool out, but still warm enough that you can walk around in the sand without shoes on and the moon gives the water that mysterious glow about it...it's relaxing. Good to watch and listen to when you're stressed, for sure."
He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, taking in the sounds and smells of the air around them for only a moment before he shook his head and brought himself back to attention. He smiled warmly at Zeke and extended a hand to him.
"Ahh, I got a little carried away for a moment there. It's good to meet you, Artist Zeke. I'm Alexander."
Post by Zeke Omoihake on Feb 24, 2010 2:58:44 GMT -5
Zeke smiled, admiring the way Alex spoke about the scenery. With an hesitant motion he pulled his hand from behind his back to shake Alex's hand, giving only a quick pump before pulling it back close to him. "Nice to meet you Alex. You've got a really nice way with words. If I weren't already here, you'd be hard pressed to keep me away after that little description."
Zeke moved back to his seat, once again detailing the night sky. "And your right, this place really is relaxing. You might not believe it but my life has been anything but that of a painter's recently. With all the war and the fighting, it's nice to just have a chance to see the world through an artist's eyes again." Zeke spoke with carefree abandon to the young man. He wasn't sure why, but he felt comfortable with him. Whether it was the warm tone of his voice, or the welcoming body language he moved with, Zeke didn't mind sharing with the young man.
As he stared at his painting, an idea crossed his mind. "You know the place really is beautiful, but I want to make sure I capture this exact moment of it. I... I don't suppose you'd have the time for me to paint you in it would you?" He said with a sheepish voice, half embarrassed merely requesting it of Alex.
Post by alexanderthegreat on Feb 24, 2010 10:06:23 GMT -5
"Hehe, I try I suppose. I myself haven't been able to enjoy to myself a relaxing night out on the beach as of late, save for tonight. Even now I probably shouldn't be out here," Alexander gave a slight shrug as he spoke. Zeke made his offer to him and Alexander tilted his head to the side at first, a few blinks coming from him as an initial response. When was the last time he'd been in any kind of a painting? His dad got him to sit around and let some artists do portraits before and Alexander had absolutely hated it.
Yet somehow he felt it probably couldn't hurt to do it again. At least he was out at the beach where he could relax during the process.
"I suppose, I don't see why not. Anywhere you'd like me to be specifically? Or uh...any specific pose or something?"
Post by Zeke Omoihake on Feb 25, 2010 0:54:02 GMT -5
Zeke chuckled. "No, just be comfortable wherever you want in this area." Zeke gestured towards the expanse of beach he was painting. "Just, uhhh... don't go too far. If you're going to be my model I want you to be in the foreground at least." Zeke began to sketch Alex as he found his spot in the painting. He couldn't believe his luck to have actually found such a great model in the middle of nowhere.
"You know I'm pretty lucky you're wearing that shirt." Zeke smirked before realizing how that came out. "Oh, I mean it's that it's such a nice contrast with the rest of dark colors. A white shirt really draws attention to you." Zeke blushed at the embarrassing comment. Hoping to switch the topic before it got awkward he struck up a conversation with Alex.
"So, what is it you do here in Santo-Luce Alex? I take it you live here right?"
Post by alexanderthegreat on Feb 25, 2010 11:27:36 GMT -5
Alexander had chosen to remove the shoes he wore and stood comfortably in the sand, hands resting gently in his pockets and turning his head softly to the side to watch the waves lap against the shoreline. He breathed slowly and deeply, keeping himself calm as he continued to speak to Zeke.
"Sometimes it's nice to stand out. Othertimes it really isn't. In the end I don't think anyone should really care, we're all human aren't we? As for what I do here in Santo-Luce..." Alexander paused for a moment to think of how to answer Zeke's question about what he did in Santo-Luce. Really, he should probably try to avoid telling anyone outside of the castle who he is, especially if they didn't recognize him. After the fiasco that happened with the traitors in his own home, it would have been very wise to not trust anyone at all.
And yet, what difference did it make in the end? In his own home the people who'd served him since he was little, protected him and stood behind him...all lied to him. People he'd trusted entirely for years. The war was getting so crazy, Alexander was getting to the point of just preparing to battle whenever he met anyone, regardless of who they were.
"You seem to tell the truth, you really aren't from around here if you don't know me already from face alone as most people in this kingdom do. If you can believe it, I'm King Alexander Frexton, trying to take a break from the recent hell it's become to be a royal."
Now what would happen after this?
Post by Zeke Omoihake on Feb 25, 2010 17:53:20 GMT -5
Zeke stopped mid brushstroke as the word 'King' left Alex's lips. He stared at the young man, the way he posed so laxly in the beautiful sands of a beautiful country. Up to this point he'd been to the flaming horrors of Ignis, and seen the ghostly and stark realms of Guasto and Ketulunanox. To a person as visual as Zeke, it only made sense that the only lovely kingdom he'd been to till now had been the only realm protected by a ruler who wasn't a Sumata. Yet as he stared he couldn't believe it at all. He didn't want to.
Zeke chuckled nervously as he continued to paint. "Ha, oh really? No offense but I've seen the rulers of more than a few lands here. All of those Sumata guys are big hulking menaces, or at least they have the looks of one who could kill at the drop of a hat. Onyx, Xisa... those were guys I'd believe could be Sumata. Not you though, you've got too kind a look to be in with those people."
Post by alexanderthegreat on Feb 26, 2010 1:14:33 GMT -5
Alexander was silent for a long moment as Zeke's words sank in. He was being compared to Xisa and the others, which if everyone held this assumption that every Sumata member was a vicious, pumped warlord then that meant he could easily slip under the radar and really do damage for Trucido...if it weren't for that nagging voice at the back of his head that told him something about it all was wrong.
"...You're really the first person to have actually told me that, you know. I take it rather as a compliment that I look too much of a kind person to work with men like Onyx or Xisa, I'd rather look and be a kind person than be feared for my appearance alone. I suppose you're right that when I'm compared to my 'allies' I appear to be anything but intimidating. I assure you though I truly am the king of this kingdom, and a fairly new member of the Sumata XIII, filling in for my late father, Bradley Frexton."
He'd offer to prove that he was the king...but how would that even work? He could invite him to the castle if the guy was brave enough to follow along. Would have to keep an eye on him himself too though, in case this guy was just playing him. Alexander decided to wait to see how Zeke would respond first though.
Post by Zeke Omoihake on Feb 26, 2010 19:31:35 GMT -5
Zeke raised an eyebrow at Alex. As much as he tried he just couldn't picture the guy doing anything like plotting world destruction. If anything he looked perfectly at home lying against the soft sands and the soothing colors all around. Still Zeke didn't want to get the guy upset. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had someone to paint, on Earth or Allorum. He thought back to Don, trying to get the guy to sit still long enough to paint a portrait of in Ignis. No, for now it was better to play along with Alex's fantasy, real or not.
"Well, I guess it really takes all kinds. Sorry to hear about your father though." Zeke paused, trying to get his proportions right before breaking the silence. "So, if you're with those Sumata XIII and that Trucido guy, you're planning to destroy the world right? Doesn't seem like you'd want to ruin all this?" He poked his head away from the canvas, looking to see what Alex had to say to that.
"I'll bet you'd have all kinds of people wanting you dead if they found out you were doing that..." He muttered it half to himself and to Alex, thinking to himself on Onyx, Xisa and their respective followers. Could it be that the people were none the wiser, or worse yet that they wanted the Sumata to succeed? He shook his head, immediately dismissing the thought.
Post by alexanderthegreat on Mar 2, 2010 19:03:00 GMT -5
Alexander thought carefully for a moment, trying to come up with an answer that was truthful, but something that wouldn't give the man too much information about him. Despite how trustworthy and harmless he appeared to be, he could never be too sure...right?
"Well, I've been the king of this land for less than a year so far and I'm not a genius or anything. However, I've learned it doesn't take much of a genius to figure out basics, like what a human being needs in their life to feel comfortable and happy. They need to be fed, they need their families, they need easy access to everything they need to work and play and keep themselves healthy, and they need to feel safe wherever they are living," he shifted a moment as he spoke but quickly resumed his pose, "and a smart king will avoid an angry kingdom coming after him by listening very carefully to his peoples' needs, right? Sometimes it's hard to give these people what they want, especially if there's no chance you alone can stand up and change what they want you to, even though you very much yourself want to do it for them. If I may ask you, Zeke, if you take what I've just said in consideration, just what kind of a role do you think I play in this 'world destruction' scheme?"
He kept his eyes fixed on the ocean, allowing himself to half-imagine for what felt like the eightieth time what would happen if he ever did stand against Trucido. Nowadays he could care less if the man killed him on the spot, but his biggest worry was Trucido attacking his kingdom...
"Some of us are looking after people because it's our job. And sometimes we need to do bad things, things that we don't like nor want, for the well-being of our people and choose a 'lesser evil' so to speak. You catch my drift, man?"
Post by Zeke Omoihake on Mar 4, 2010 22:24:10 GMT -5
Zeke heard what Alex had to say, then disappeared behind his canvas to ponder while he worked. Despite exact wording, it didn't sound too different from what Onyx had said back in Ignis. Whether or not Alex was honest with his tale, his words were enough to make Zeke think.
Perhaps we've been fighting the wrong people all along. These sorts of things always made sense in the games. Beat the underlings, take on the boss and then save the world. After all, bad guys choose to be bad guys, don't they? Zeke couldn't help but look back and stare at Alex. The blond king had succeeded in calling into question every notion he'd had about defeating the Sumata. Still the words bothered him, and he couldn't leave things as they were.
"You make it sound like there are only two choices. Either follow a man's desire to destroy the world, or have him destroy it for you. Why do those have to be the only options left available? Why not band together, and destroy the man that threatens your world? Isn't that what kings and queens are suppose to do?" Zeke probed, his eyes and tone holding a hidden sense of empathy that grew by the second for the young man. He didn't want to admit it, but the tragic tale Alex painted sounded more and more real by the moment.
Post by alexanderthegreat on Mar 4, 2010 22:41:09 GMT -5
"Because unlike Xisa or Onyx, I'm not the ruler of a kingdom that is capable of fighting a drone army lead by a man whose powers are feared by Hell itself. I'm not about to sentence my peace-loving country to death because we don't share the same insane vision as one man," Alexander broke his pose for a moment to turn his gaze towards Zeke, the warmth from it now gone and replaced with a grave look, "the other royals follow Trucido, and I'm the leader of a country that is not combat-heavy, we don't pick fights. It's really stupid for me to turn against all of them and have them kill everyone in my own country. I'd rather I try to figure out how to save my people from certain doom, if you get what I'm saying. But as it's going, I'm in a position at the moment where I cannot turn my back on the Sumata whether I want to or not."
Post by Zeke Omoihake on Mar 4, 2010 23:19:14 GMT -5
Zeke sat stunned at the sudden change in Alex's demeanor. Either the man was a hell of an actor or there was indeed some truth to his words. He had intended to let it slip he was one of the Heroes to tease him, but now he was left silent. His mind darted frantically, desperately reaching for some sort of response.
He sounds like he hates the Sumata. What if he could join us? What if he defected to Milicia's side? Zeke thought so totally on this that his hands started to fade. His brush fell to his side, and unaware of any feeling he didn't realize till he tried to scratch his head. Zeke nearly tumbled from his seat in worry, hoping that Alex hadn't seen.
"Well... ahhhh, if you don't like those guys so much, why not ask Queen Milicia for help? I hear she's outright defying Trucido, and her land still remains untouched by them. Heck, maybe Trucido is just all talk after all? Maybe he's even more scared of all you royals then he wants to let on." Zeke continued to chat as he moved his calligraphy brush up to touch up the faded points of his arms. Before Alex even began to glance his way as he talked he shouted abruptly. "Look at that whale! Awesome!"